Why does it matter to know fun and easy conversation topics? Won’t just any topic work in a conversation? Well, when it comes to chatting with new people, knowing conversation tips that are generally well received can really help. You can avoid awkward situations by avoiding offensive topics and also keep the conversation flowing if you can pique the other person’s interest or tap into what they are passionate about. If you’re a natural conversationalist, lucky you! But not everyone has the gift of the gap and sometimes keeping a conversation flowing naturally can be tricky and often lead to awkward moments. Professional Matchmaker Linda Prescott reveals the Fun and Easy Conversation Topics Everyone Loves.


Tell me an interesting story about yourself

Fact is, people love talking about themselves. So, this question is great especially when you’re meeting someone for the first time. However, if the person is shy, they’d likely revert to a “oh no, there’s nothing really interesting about me” and here’s when you rephrase it by asking about an interesting or funny memory from their childhood. Sometimes narrowing the question down to a particular period will help trigger a story that they’ll be willing to share.


Best part of the day

This is something I practice at home with my family. During dinner when everyone is gathered, we’d take turns sharing what the best part of the day was for us. Not only does it give an insight into our day (since we spend most of it apart), it’s also a great way to show gratitude towards the day and each other.


Have you seen *insert viral video/movie/musical/anything that is currently popular in your city*

If they have, you’ll have heaps to talk about. If not, you can show them the clip/movie trailer or share the story with them to encourage engagement. (If it’s a funny viral video, it’s bound to get a laugh.)


Read any thought-provoking books lately/Did you catch the game last night/What’s good on Netflix these days

Books, sports, movies, music, art, etc. Hobbies in any form are great ice-breakers. Finding that you share a common interest with someone can help build an instant connection.


Do you have children and/or pets

Parents and ‘pawrents’ alike will jump at any chance to talk about their pride and joy. If you’re lucky, you’ll even get to see pictures! I know I instantly light up when conversations veer towards kids and fur-babies.


Recommendations for staycations or local travel

This topic gives people a chance to impart their local knowledge on places of interest in your neighbourhood. With international travel halted for the time being (thank you Covid19), you probably think you’ve exhausted everything there is to do in your town. But there might be hidden gems around yet to be discovered and what better way to find out about them than through word of mouth?


Food, food, food

As the saying goes – Food brings people together. According to chef Aaron Sanchez, “Coming together and sharing a meal is the most communal and binding thing in almost every place in the world.” So whether you’re sharing a meal with them or simply asking what their favourite dish is, you can definitely learn a thing or two about the people you meet through their love of food.


I like your *insert item of clothing or accessory*

Flattery can be a good way to kickstart a conversation. Genuinely complimenting someone on something they own could be the trigger to them telling you more about themselves.


I’m compiling a list of the best and worst convo starters. Have you experienced any?

This one’s bound to get the ball rolling. Everyone will undoubtedly have their own experiences to share and exchanging notes will also help build a deeper connection among people.


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