Enter your details to stand a chance to win a free 6-months
Matchmaking Membership with Ideal Introductions.
“I joined Ideal Introductions as I was over internet dating. I was then introduced to the man of my dreams. It was literally love at first sight for both of us! We are so compatible in every way. We have been together for over 18 months, living together for 12 months and planning to get married next year. I would highly recommend Ideal Introductions.” – Francine.
*This is an Invitation-Only, Non-transferable Offer.
Contest ends February 28, 2018, and the 2 (winners) will be announced on March 1, 2018, via the Goodlife Facebook page and winners’ mobile phone. Ideal Introductions reserves the right to amend the contest date and results announcement date. Submissions are only valid via this form. The prize is not transferable and may not be exchanged for cash. Ideal Introductions reserves the right to pick new winners in the event that the original winners are not reachable within 5 days after results announcement.