Sometimes you just want to know, what is it that people look for in you? What makes someone want to take the relationship to the next level? Having worked with more than 10,000 singles, Linda has the insights and secrets to help you date more successfully and enjoyable. If you’ve been curious, Linda reveals the Qualities Women Look for in Men.


Women like assertive men, not to be confused with bossy, dominating, and controlling men, please. There is a big difference. Assertive men know that though they can freely express their opinions but also, other peoples are allowed to disagree with them. They do not feel angry or offended when this happens. Instead they take control, remain calm and work towards some compromise because they know that they cannot always get what they want. In other words, they are grown men!


When a woman looks for a life partner, she looks for stability. But stability does not just mean financial stability. This is what people often get wrong. We love to tell our clients at Ideal that stability comes in three parts: economically stable, emotionally stable and also relationally stable. Now, most people can be economically and emotionally stable, but the big question is, are they relationally stable? Being relationally stable is when she can count on you to be predictable, reliable, and that you’re essentially someone she could rely on if you owned a home together or had a child with you. Because in the end, you would also want her to be relationally stable for you as well.

Also read: Reasons Someone Might Fall in Love with You.


Women want to be with someone who they feel safe with at all times. But it doesn’t mean you have to be a muscle-y man with body guards. It means that you’ve got her back. She knows that when she needs you to be in her corner, you’ll be there. Yes, it’s the 21st Century where women are leaders of countries and large companies. But hard-wired instincts don’t go away overnight. She is still naturally going to feel more attracted to a man who seems like he would keep her safe under any circumstance. This is her natural instinct.

Emotional Presence

It means being there, emotionally. Not just physically. For example, being present when your partner is talking to you is so important. Put that phone away, and really focus on she is saying. But this goes both ways… a woman should also be emotionally present while her significant other is talking. Now, the big part of being present is being responsive. So if she is saying something, share your perspective on that too. Keep that conversation going and she’ll know you’re paying attention.


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