Being open-minded can be tough. Especially when most of us have been brought up with a set of beliefs and values throughout our lives. The truth us, there is so much to be gained from opening the door to your mind. Linda Prescott shares Why Having an Open Mind is Good for You.

You Free Your Mind.

According to Columbia University psychologist Scott Barry Kaufman, openness to experiences is the personality trait most consistently associated with creativity. Nothing holds you back more than thinking you know all the answers, this makes you never consider other alternatives. When you can admit that there are several possible solutions or outcomes, you are actually allowing yourself to think beyond the boundaries where you normally would have stopped yourself. Being open minded frees your mind from limiting thoughts.


You Have More Fun.

You know those people who are always willing to try new, exciting things? They keep an open mind. Once you do the same, you let go of whatever has held you back in the past and you start to embrace life. You will experiment with different things and you’ll have more experiences. An easy way to start is to say “yes” instead of your knee-jerk reaction to say “no” For example, if your friend reaches out and asks if you want to do something out-of-the-ordinary, your initial instinct might be to pass. Now don’t do that, instead, challenge yourself and say yes! Look, you might have a great time, or you might have a terrible time. Either way, you’ll have a story to tell, and you’ll spend some quality time with your friend too.


You Find Solutions to Problems, Easier.

We’ve all heard Albert Einstein’s famous line: “Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.” Well, it’s true! If you’re willing to consider the notion that there are many effective ways to deal with an issue, you’re actually opening yourself to more options when you’re trying to problem solve. Instead of getting stuck trying the same thing over and over again just because you can’t think of something else, keep an open mind, listen to fresh ideas and try something new.


You Have a Greater Ability to Love and Be Loved.

When you stop passing judgement, you’re allowing yourself to have deeper, more meaningful relationships. You give and accept love more freely because you’re not so concerned about jumping to conclusions about people. You accept them for who they are, and they will do the same.


You Have More Energy.

Surprise, surprise! What happens when you aren’t so bogged down by negative thoughts? You have more energy to focus on the important things in life, such as family, friends and good health. Freeing your mind also frees your time.


You’ll Connect Better with Others.

Cultivating open-mindedness can help to bridge divides. You can connect better with people around you. Perhaps you have neighbours, family members or colleagues that have different political viewpoints than you do. These contrasting viewpoints may cause conflict in your relationships. Once you learn to have an open mind (not necessarily agreeing, but just agreeing to listen), you’ll be able to have better conversations and make better connections.

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