Have you heard of that famous quote, “Good things come to those who wait?” The truth is, you may have only been hearing half of the quote. When in fact, Abraham Lincoln said, “Things may come to those who wait, but only the things left by those who hustle.” So, while technically, you can sit back and see where life takes you, waiting for love to find you could also mean that your ideal partner is being snapped up by another proactive prospect. Linda Prescott shares why you shouldn’t wait for love and why you should be the one to go out and seek your ideal partner in Why Love Waits for No One.​

If you are serious about changing the course of your life, you have to be more proactive. According to behaviour expert Thomas S Bateman, proaction should be viewed as a superpower because it allows you to identify opportunities, and create a new, desired future just by changing your trajectory. Here’s why you shouldn’t wait…

You have to be in it to win it

Whether you’ve had bad dating experiences or have not been in a serious relationship before, please remember that nothing dictates your future happiness. It’s what you decide to do next that really matters. If you’re available and “in the market” you have to make it known. Whether by telling your friends or workmates or engaging a professional matchmaker, the key is to start putting yourself out there first. If you decide to engage a service like Ideal Introductions, our matchmakers start the process immediately from getting your bio ready to matching you against potential partners. You’ll know that something is being done about your love life.

People are moving towards intentional dating

If Covid has taught us one thing, it’s that having a life partner makes all the difference when navigating a challenging situation. Previously, people might have dated just for fun but according to a recent US study, 53% of people now have moved to more intentional dating. This shows there are plenty of folks out there looking for real relationships. In fact the same study reveals that singles are putting into practice new behaviours with 69 percent of singles now more honest, 61 percent focusing less on physical attraction and close to 60 percent considering a wider range of people as potential partners. This could be the best time for you to start dating.

Doing the same thing won’t get you different results

If love hasn’t happened to you yet, it could be because you haven’t tried something different. Albert Einstein has been quoted as saying “Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.” For example, if you’ve been depending on dating apps or waiting for friends and family to do the search for you and have not been successful, how confident are you that your ideal partner will emerge soon? It may be a sign that you should try something new. When it comes to looking for your life partner, leave no stone unturned. You must make every possible effort to find your ideal partner. Engaging a professional matchmaker might sound like serious business but if you are serious about finding your ideal partner, you should consider working with experts who are serious about helping you.

Doing something about it gets you closer to success

What’s better? Waiting for something to happen or doing something about it? I have a feeling that you might know the answer. No matter how challenging it can be, please know that by doing something about your love life actually gets you closer to finding a partner. Intentions require commitment because without commitment, then there’s no action despite the plan. So, it’s time for some resolve and to make a commitment for your future. Whilst it’s not going to be easy (nothing worthy ever is) all you have to do is make that first step and we’ll meet you on the other end. This first step is all you need to potentially change everything.

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